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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

WooHoo I did it!!

So I only missed one day, and I sort of backdated a post for that day, which is a little like cheating but not really. Right?

If you're wondering what in the heck I'm talking about, it's
Nablopomo - National Blog Posting Month

All you have to do is post every day for an entire month. It sounds easy. It is only a little. It's mostly a lot harder than you'd think.

So I made it through May and I think I'm going to take a break before signing up again. I'm pretty good about posting once or twice a week, occasionally even more but having to come up with a creative entertaining post every single day got to be a bit of a drag on my creative genius.

But if you've never done it then I encourage you to sign up for June. I know we're already 4 days in but it's not too late. June's theme is HOME.

So if you love home, have a lot of places that feel like home to you or just really love home decorating then I'm sure you'd have plenty to blog about!

here to sign up!!

0 People who coughed on a furball: