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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Speaking of holiday shopping..

I've never been much of a video game kind of gal and haven't actually owned one since the original Nintendo. I'm also not the kind of person to spend ridiculous amounts of money on anything electronic. I don't even own a DVD player.

But I would so give up being both of those people for this!


I know last Christmas there was nothing synonymous about the words cheap and Nintendo Wii, but it's been out a year and if you look hard enough you can find some fairly
cheap Wii games.

And if you absolutely have to give your kid a game then making it one that will help keep them healthy is the best
gift idea ever. Heck make it a family event and get healthy together.

Ladies, have a husband dealing with
high blood pressure, but just won't get his tush up out of the recliner? Here's a way to get him moving and groovin' and spend time with the kids while he's at it. Don't have kids? Tempt him with a winter vacation to a ski lodge next year, one where after a fun day out on the slopes he'll find you dressed as his favorite snow bunny in front of a warm fire, if he uses the Wii Ski Slalom game to improve his skill that is. Wink Wink

I personally want it to master my currently non-existing hula hooping skill. I might eventually work my way up to the Yoga poses, but that's a big might. Baby steps people.

2 People who coughed on a furball:

Elle Dubya said...

the only thing i don't enjoy about the wii fit is that everytime i climb on to do the daily body check up thingie is the computer voice on tv makes this "ooohhh!!" sound that registers in my mind as an "ooh you fat cow get off of me." not nice, wii. not.nice.

Anonymous said...

I love my WiiFit, but it does tend to sound negative in a nice way. What I mean is it'll tell you "Good workout, BUT you need to....". And as Ella said, the "oooohhh" thing is a little strange. But overall, it's a great way to exercise at home and it's fun too!